The Mongo Brain

Monday, October 17, 2005

new apartment sounds

I have only been in this apartment for about month and am slowly getting used to the new sounds of my neighborhood and building complex. Tonight, a child was screaming at the top of his lungs for a good twenty minutes. I could pick out some "No's" and the such but couldn't really make out what the kid said.

I came home at 6 this evening to really loud hiphop dance music from my neighbor's apartment- hoping that it would not stay on very long. The funny thing is a few weeks ago, my neighbor introduced himself to me in a neighborly way and mentioned that if his kids were making too much noise, I should let him know. Should I let his kids know when their poppa is making too much noise?

I woke up at 3 am this morning to whirring, chopping sounds of a very large vehicle approaching. I thought it was a train but was totally weirded out by the fact that the train sounded like it was headed straight for my third-floor apartment, located a mile or so away from the train tracks. I finally got up and found out that the noise maker looked a lot like a Huey chopper plane with a really bright search light probing my neighborhood. It kept flying towards and away from my building. At 3am, I had flash backs to 9/11 and thought that this was what the folks in the World Trade Center must have heard. What was that aircraft doing? It didn't seem like the kind of thing underfunded local police would have. It must be part of the federal government. Who are they looking for? What kind of a neighborhood am I living in?
Will Big Brother show himself to me one day?


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