The Mongo Brain

Monday, May 17, 2010

change is afoot!

I had decided long ago to grow out my hair mostly because I wanted to see if I could do it. I had never had really long hair (e.g., hair to the middle of my back or longer) mostly because I never had the patience to grown it out. I knew that to have hair that long, I needed to learn how to style my hair (e.g., get the right kind of cut for my face, buns, French twists, etc) as well as taking care of it so I don't have split ends and the such. I gave myself a time frame- grow it out until I finished my dissertation and see what happens.

Well, my dissertation process took longer than I had expected, my hair got quite long- the longest I have ever had. It reached mid-back. It was an entertaining experiment but I don't think I look so good with hair that long (J kept asking me when my hair experiment was over and how my shag looked a lot like Joan Jett's shag). Additionally, since we don't usually use the air conditioner, I hate sleeping with my long hair. It sticks to everything, tickles me, and feels like it is strangling me at night.

With the summer coming and my dissertation done, I decided to cut all my hair off. It actually took two tries to get it this short. The first hair dresser actually was really really hesitant to cut my hair short. I basically had to fight to get it cut off. Even then, the cut he gave me was not short enough. So tonight, I went to someone else, armed with several pictures (of different head angles) and demanded that it be cut this short. She too was a bit hesitant but in the end, agreed and even said it could be a really fun hair cut. The funny thing is this hair cut is going to make me more of a high maintenance woman than before. I am going to have to style my hair with goop and wear accessories on a more regular basis now.


  • WOW! Oh, my goodness! WOW! (Don't take my lack of compliments badly. I'll have to adjust before I can decide if I like it.

    By Blogger Shaela, at 5/18/2010 3:54 PM  

  • I still can't decide if I like it or not but I had always wanted to try a really short hair cut. I was actually aiming for a pixie cut but the woman misunderstood and just cut too much off. Hence the need to spike it up and use lots of goop.

    By Blogger Matty Lau, at 5/18/2010 4:13 PM  

  • I love the haircut, as I also loved your previous hairstyle. You've shown that you can wear almost any length hair (as can Shaela). The earrings throw me for a loop though - they just don't match with the picture I have of you. (Of course, there's no reason you have to match my picture :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/19/2010 8:01 AM  

  • One caveat - don't get photographed against a yellow wall again. Ugh.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/19/2010 8:02 AM  

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