The Mongo Brain

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Phew, what a day!

I had a pretty full day.
Woke up, cleaned my room a little.
Went swimming.
Spent much of the day doing a lot of administrative and maintenance stuff for work (e.g. dealing with digital equipment and all it's vagaries). It was a bit frustrating at first. But I have learned how to walk away from things I cannot fix, figure out, work, etc, and ask others for help. It helps save my sanity.
Typed up a lot of my research notes- this always takes a lot of my time.
Dealt with my husband and my finances.
Helped to provide my mom some emotional support (my grandmother went into the hospital two weeks ago and has stayed in the Neurosurgery Intensive Care Unit the entire time. We are still not entirely sure how she is right now because she cannot communicate with us. All the weird family tensions and issues are coming out right now. it is hard and my mom not only feeling emotionally and physically worn but also a bit abused right now by her siblings.
A friend of mine just had a baby- after 23 hours of labor. Apparently, that doesn't mean she spent the whole 23 hours screaming and pushing.
Cooked dinner
watched Lost
wrote in my blog
and will go to sleep because I gotta get up at 5:30 tomorrow morning.
(PS I have to admit, I keep rereading this to see what else I can add to the list to let you know just how full this day was.)


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