The Mongo Brain

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

making connections

I started this CD project with my friends as a way to connect my friends who don't live near each other. Some of these people would probably never meet each other and I'd like them to connect some how. I got this idea from a friend of mine whose girlfriend started this. The idea is to create a list of criteria for a CD (e.g. track number one needs to have the word blue in the title. track two is a song that makes you happy, track three is the 5th track from a CD you can't believe you own, etc). Then send out the criteria to your friends who want to participate, set a deadline and everyone creates a compilation that fulfills all the track criteria, burns CD's for each participant and mails it (or passes it along) to the other participants.
It has been fun trying to come up with these songs- though a bit daunting considering how little I really know about music (quite a few of my friends are music connoisseurs).

The other thing that i had wanted to do but never got around to continuing it was a doodle exchange. I meet lots of really interesting and cool people just in my daily wanderings. I wanted to do a doodle trade with them. We each draw a doodle with the intent of giving it to each other. It would be dated, signed and labelled some how. In the end, I wanted to collect a whole book of these doodles. I have one already from an Italian dancer who I met on New Year's Eve about 5 or 6 years ago. It is a really fantastic drawing. He was one of the dancers who worked in a show with a friend of my husband's who was doing the music to the show. I thnk I need to start carrying around a sketch book if I was going to do that. The trouble is that most people get scared off and feel put on the spot if I ask them for a doodle.


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