The Mongo Brain

Monday, November 14, 2005

speed demon and emergency exits

So I had this really wonderful dream last night. I was stuck in some building that had some evil bad people controlling it. I was part of a group of people who sort of became their hostages- well, they knew we were in the building but they hadn't gotten to rounding us up and doing bad stuff to us yet. They were in no rush, they had control of the building and all major access points, so they thought they'd get us eventually. A few of us (I think three) decided to take the risk of breaking out of the building by riding down the emergency exit stairwell on a tandem bike. It was so much fun going down the stairs and swinging around the turns. We went really fast. Eventually, we made it out of the building (we were too fast for them) and somehow got on to this highway. On the highway, we were going like 80 to 100 mph. It was exciting and a little tense but oh-so-much fun! It was cool having a dream that was just a little tense but I was still confident that I would be able to get out and would be okay.

I had another dream a while back about trying to escape from some bad people in a building too. It also involved running down the emergency exit stairs.

Oh, another fun thing to note. A friend of mine went to hear the Dalai Lama speak at the Neuroscience Conference in DC (she was presenting at the conference). She said he was pretty darn cool, has a sense of humor, and sounded just like Yoda!


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