The Mongo Brain

Thursday, November 13, 2008

More sober now

A comment on this blog from a friend of mine has reminded me that it was not an overwhelming majority. Even though Obama won by 7 million votes, that really isn't that many votes on a national scale. That means Obama won slightly more than 5% of the votes cast. The population of the New-York-City-metroplex is larger than that amount. That's about 5.8 Dallas' or 11.9 Denver's.

Now that I am a bit more sober and now that the angry reactions are starting to pop up, I see that there is still a big divide to bridge. For example, at Lehigh University a student was called "an ignorant black bitch" when she talked about the Obama victory with a friend (there were other incidents at Lehigh to0). I am surprised by this. My initial reaction is, "Gosh, don't you know better than to embarass yourself in this way?" I know that this is motivated out of fear, fear of change and difference (because difference might imply change too). And we certainly do live in very uncertain times. I hope we can find a way to help people with these fears.

As I said, we do have a lot of work ahead of us.


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