The Mongo Brain

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

those days..

You ever get those days where you just think..."man I'm kinda sucky and I kinda do sucky things." Well, it's one of those kind of days today.

So there was a tornado warning and being in the basement, I had no idea it was going on. I heard sirens but I thought "Oh, it's wednesday, maybe it is our air raid drill". So, all of the sudden, there was all this noise in the hallway. I am thirsty, tired and cranky. Then all of the sudden some people just walk into our office and start trying to make cellphone calls, use our phones, etc. I got kinda of cranky and kind of cranky with the wrong person (she is a professor in this dept.). I was irritated that people were barging into my office space or making that much noise. Well, everyone who knew what was going on outside and who knew who I had just irritated royally and made a big fool out of myself tried to educate me (and prevent me from making a bigger fool out of myself). Well, so I get angry too easily and irritated without trying to be understanding. I frequently (or at least I think i frequently do) make stupid social mishaps like this out of anger and frustration, or sometimes out of sticking my nose where it doesn't belong out of a desire to do something nice. But I guess I am not that good with social stuff and I should just stop. I guess the other part of the problem is that I stick my nose in things that might not need me to help out with.

So I feel kind of sucky right now.

It also doesn't help that I am having trouble with my dissertation right now. can't figure something out and all my doubts about my abilities are coming to mind.

Also, I'm hungry and still a little sick.

Am I just making excuses? Maybe.


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