Wardrobe refresher
Instead of working on my dissertation this morning, I opted to think about my wardrobe. I am about to go to a bat mitzvah for J's cousin and was contemplating what to wear tonight. I have worn most of my dresses many times in the past few years (several weddings, events, etc). I am a bit poor and busy these days and can't even go to a thrift store to get a new outfit. But I just realized: I have this great dress I used to wear that I haven't worn in this crowd nor in this city before! Whoo hoo! One doesn't need to change one's wardrobe, one just needs to change the people! I'm not really sure which is cheaper or more time efficient. As much as I dislike shopping I also don't really like having to pack, move and make new friends.
Brilliant insight, Mongo Brain! Were you really giving thought to your wardrobe before 7am?
Anonymous, at 6/06/2009 10:53 AM
I was up early but I don't think _that_ early. The time stamp for my blog post must be off.
Matty Lau, at 6/08/2009 7:40 PM
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