The Mongo Brain

Monday, May 01, 2006

Horrible, no good, very bad day!

I am having a horrible no good very bad day! I got on the bus this morning and was promptly handed a piece of paper detailing the route changes to my shuttle service. My University has deemed it necessary to chop out about 85% of my bus route. Next year, I no longer have a campus shuttle bus to school. This made me very mad. Since it is neigh impossible to find affordable and decent housing near my university, it is in effect a commuter campus. Parking is a major problem on campus. In addition, traffic and pollution issues are terrible in the DC metro area. What kind of message do they (the powers that be in my university) think they are sending? That they want us to add to congestion and pollution? That we ought to be encourage to continue our addiction to fossil fuels and be extravagant in our energy use? This isn't the first time a bus route of mine was to be axed. In my previous residence, they did the same. It was worse there. There wasn't any viable public transportation alternative for me and so I was forced to drive to school everyday.

So then the next really bad thing that happened was that my wallet was stolen- from my office area! I am so mad! I am so mad that someone would think that it was okay to steal someone else's stuff! That someone would think it would be okay to inflict this kind of pain, anger and frustration on another human being. Simply because they wanted something and it was easy to do it. It seems to me to be an issue of poor upbringing! If someone along the way had taught this poor soul properly, this would not have happened. I am not just blaming it on poor parenting or poor teaching, but also his friends/peers/role models. They let or encouraged this person think it was okay to inflict this kind of pain on me! I am also blaming our society for allowing the kinds of situations that would lead one to accept such messages (e.g. making it practically impossible for this person to gain enough social or financial capital to feel secure in pursuing more legitimate employment practices). AND I am blaming that person for buying into those messages and for not considering that another HUMAN being will be hurt in the process. And yes, I am hurt. I am hurt because I trust people a little less right now.


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