Isn't summer supposed to be fun?
So I have been super swamped with work, and gobs of other stuff that is sitting on my mental plate that I didn't touch during the semester. Whatever happened to fun easy summers?
At work we are gearing up for a major research meeting with the teachers we work with. The meeting is in about a week and a half. there is still a lot for me to do- e.g. get videos together, slap together transcripts, etc. I have a presentation I have to prepare for that is in July- which means I actually need to get some more data. sigh...
I still have a paper I didn't write for a professor of mine from last semester. sigh...
all these things are just weighing in on me. So why hasn't this gotten done? well, it is a lot of work, I am tired and I have come to realize that having a romantic relationship with someone who lives 4 hours away is like holding down yet another job. So this is three jobs I am holding, being a student, my research job, and my relationships. Additionally, I have this problem with procrastination and burnout. when I don't want to do something, I really do almost everythign in my power NOT to do it- which is why this incomplete paper for that class is still hanging over me.
Okay, as my spouse tells me, I need to focus on the positives and not the negatives if I actually want to get things done. Well, I recently did my laundry and now I have clean underwear! I did some major organization of my research notes and know what I need to do next year, what I am missing, what I have, etc! Organization is a key thing to beign able to do research. Okay, so I will celebrate what i can and continue doing so I can continue to celebrate.
At work we are gearing up for a major research meeting with the teachers we work with. The meeting is in about a week and a half. there is still a lot for me to do- e.g. get videos together, slap together transcripts, etc. I have a presentation I have to prepare for that is in July- which means I actually need to get some more data. sigh...
I still have a paper I didn't write for a professor of mine from last semester. sigh...
all these things are just weighing in on me. So why hasn't this gotten done? well, it is a lot of work, I am tired and I have come to realize that having a romantic relationship with someone who lives 4 hours away is like holding down yet another job. So this is three jobs I am holding, being a student, my research job, and my relationships. Additionally, I have this problem with procrastination and burnout. when I don't want to do something, I really do almost everythign in my power NOT to do it- which is why this incomplete paper for that class is still hanging over me.
Okay, as my spouse tells me, I need to focus on the positives and not the negatives if I actually want to get things done. Well, I recently did my laundry and now I have clean underwear! I did some major organization of my research notes and know what I need to do next year, what I am missing, what I have, etc! Organization is a key thing to beign able to do research. Okay, so I will celebrate what i can and continue doing so I can continue to celebrate.
Maybe if you had air conditioning at home, you wouldn't be so exhausted?
Anonymous, at 6/28/2006 7:21 PM
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