The Mongo Brain

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Last night I went to dinner with two fellas I knew from school. One was a pale skinned brunette from Arkansas and a blonde fella from England. The restaurant was an Saharan restaurant in my neighborhood that I had been meaning to check for a while now and we went with the intent of checking it out and getting a chance to gorge on a lot of meat (everything on the menu involved meat of some form).

When we walked in, the restaurant was pretty empty, except for two African males sitting at one table. The waitress came out from the kitchen and I said, "Three, please." She just stood there looking at me and so I said, "Three, for dinner, please. Can we just sit anywhere?" This prompted her to respond with a somewhat hesitant and confused look, "This is an African restaurant." I said,"Oh yes, I know that."

In any case, the food was great. We ate goat with various kinds of sauces and stuff on it. Some of it turned out to be super spicy. In the end, we were the only folks in that restaurant of non-African descent. In fact, I think that everyone in there was at least one or two degrees removed from Africa.


  • What is a "Saharan" restaurant? Is there a specific African country involveed? And yes... Get out, whitey!

    Reminds me of my friend Emma. She is from South Africa... pale white. If she gets US citizenship, she'll technically be an "African American". Hehehee...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7/13/2006 12:42 PM  

  • Did you get the non African service charge?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7/13/2006 6:55 PM  

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