The Mongo Brain

Sunday, April 30, 2006


Soccer entered my life on Wednesday. I played with a bunch of fellas from my university- they do low key pick-up games on Wednesdays. I can't say my life has never been the same, but I can certainly say that it has left its mark on my body. My legs were sore for three days straight; my shoulders still hurt; I've got bruises on my legs from when I bounced off someone from the opposing team. AND! And I decided to look up the women's soccer league in my area to see if I could join them. That was certainly an eye-opening experience. I am thinking of joining the thirty and over women's team in the fall. I am now in the old-fuddy duddy category of "30 and over". Yeah, once past thirty, their bodies are so shot that there is no difference between and eighty year old and a thirty one year old. I am being facetious here. In all seriousness, I am planning on continuing with the pick-up games during the summer to build up my endurance and help me learn how to play soccer. Then I will be ready in the fall to play in the "30 and over" category. Either that or I run a half marathon in the fall. I think my partner is rooting for soccer. My partner used to be a big soccer buff.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Fortune cookies

This posting was inspired by a posting from another blogger, Dave Alpert. Though the title states fortune cookies, this is really about things I want to do when I have kids one day.

I had toyed with thoughts of making my own "fortune" cookies if I had kids to serve up to their friends. Here are some fortunes I had thought up:

1. You will die one day.
2. You will astonish others with your tremendous display of flatulence.
3. The sun will come out, but it might not be tomorrow.
4. First you broke my heart, why must you also break me? (Okay, this isn't exactly a fortune, but I always felt bad about the cookie and wanted to give it a voice).
5. Someone will like you one day.

I had also wanted to have toilet paper that had messages on it. So that those who forget to bring reading material don't have to feel so lonely and bored on the throne. Things like:

Hi. How are you? Enjoying your stay? How's the weather outside? I wish I could go outside...sigh. Haven't been outside since I left the store. It was such a lovely day, that day. So, have you read any good books lately? If you plan on coming back next time for a longer stay, might I suggest some Kierkegaard? Then we can sit and chat about it for a while.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Rainy day in my neck of the woods

It has been raining all day. Rainy days used to bum me out because I hated getting cold and wet. I don't mind it so much now when it rains because the water level in the small river (or big stream) right by my apartment rises. When that happens, the water also runs a bit more quickly. I walked home from the metro tonight and it is thrilling to watch rushing waters in the dark.

I never had much opportunity to connect to nature this way so this is all fascinating to me- to experience the seasonal changes in animal population (my spouse has convinced me that the herons I saw earlier in the year have gone north for the summer), that rivers swell and shrink, and that greenery will take over if left unchecked. The river, the bike path and all the unchecked flora and fauna in my neighborhood makes me feel so much better about where I am living.

I was thinking today, on the metro back from DC, that I was creeped out and unhappy about DC. It amade me sad to think that it is possible for me to live in a place and not grow to love it simply because I always felt unsafe there. I felt like such a wimp for feeling scared. I also felt like I was a discredit to my sex. I was weak and was reinforcing gender stereotypes. Feeling safe and unscared, isn't that just a matter of attitude? I don't know.

In the last month, a woman got "sexually assaulted" by a guy who masqueraded as the cable repair guy. (What does sexually assaulted mean?) I frequently hear helicopters in my neighborhood flying low in order to do spotlight searches. Sirens are part of the background noise. I was in a car at a stoplight today and witnessed a bicyclist punching the heck out of a driver. I just read in the City Paper about a phenomenon that has been occuring in the city lately. There is this neighborhood in DC that is starting to slowly gentrify. Some of the original residents of that economically depressed neighborhood have been assaulting the bicyclists who have been riding in that neighborhood, e.g. throwing bricks at them from rooftops or out and out gangs assaulting a cyclist when the cyclist is stopped at a red light. The City Paper said that the assaulters were kids and it was a kind of turf war. The cyclists represented gentrification. The funny thing is that in my neighborhood, most of the cyclists are the po' folk or young po' folk who can't afford a car.

When I first moved here, some guy made some creepy derogatory comment to me as I walked home from the metro station about my ethnic background and gender. I was freaked out for a week and considered purchasing a can of mace. Maybe I should still. I am physically slight and must be honest with myself about my ability to physically dominate another human being.

It makes me mad that I can't enjoy this city, this area, because I don't feel safe, don't feel accepted, don't feel like I am allowed to belong...especially in my neighborhood. I'm not a black american, a latino immigrant or a white american- the three main groups in my neighborhood. For me, the feeling of unsafety doesn't arise from the latino immigrants. It's the americans that I don't trust. I know this is not based on a lot of data but on generalizations and stereotypes. It makes me sad to think that I can't wait to move back to NYC where I can feel safe again because non-americans outnumber americans.

Then, I walk by the river with rushing waters, see geese, instead of herons, paddling in the waters, step on ground covered with pink petals from a cherry tree, hear the bird family outside my window and feel okay about being here.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Leaking from every orifice

Spring is here! It is lovely. It is sunny, breezy, warm, beautiful, snot-filled, teary, cough-inducing. Gosh, don't you love the season where the tip of your nose is rubbed raw by the tissues. That with every breath you take in you run the risk of sneezing so hard, your brain might be sent to the next county?

And as my husband says about spring- it's all shameless! I went out to my car the other day and it had this green tint to it. It was a dark blue car at one point in time, until all the trees and plants decided to spew out their gametes on my car. Really, that is what pollen is, the emissions of the male reproductive parts of plants. And the females parts aren't any better. They flip open their skirts, wave their private parts in the air in hopes of catching some of the flying gametes. They take exhibitionism to the extreme!

And the more demure ones aren't any better. Though they have covered their private bits with petals, they discreetly lure unwitting insects to them with the sweet nectar. Then once these insects crawl in, they are trapped until they participate some sordid three way copulation act. First the insect is lured into one plant's chamber, rubbing up against the male parts of the plant. Then the same insect is lured into another plant's chamber only to rub up against the female parts of that plant. Such depravity!

I think that all those who are gravely concerned about family values and decency issues in the current day have missed the biggest offenders of them all- NATURE! She puts on the biggest pornography show every year in the spring time. People ought to lock those plants up for their abhorrent behavior.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Doing a dissertation: Advice #36

So right now I am supposed to stay focused and write my dissertation proposal. This is hard! The ideas that float around in my head are easy, but writing them down on paper/computer is hard. I just have to remind myself that this is my initial stab at something that isn't even my first draft yet. It is okay if it seems silly, inarticulate, incoherent, redundant and pointless. Gosh, even if it is my final draft, it is okay if it seems like all those things. Right? Right! What is the worse that will happen? They (the committe) tells me my dissertation sucks, tells me what needs to be fixed and I go back and fix it. It isn't like they have high hopes for me and I am going to disappoint them with a crappy dissertation.

Oh, so here is some advice for all those who are planning on pursuing a career that involves using one's creativity. In the beginning, try out everything and anything (so long as it doesn't cause damage) and screw up lots and lots. So, if you are a performer, just go on out there and make a fool out of yourself! If you are a writer, send out your writing frequently- the more rejection notices, the better! This is very important. Assuming you learn from all your screw-ups, you also have the added benefit of helping everyone lower their standards about you. Then no matter what you do next, it will just look real good in comparision AND you don't have to worry about disappointing people!

Manage distracting thoughts in whatever way you can. Otherwise, you never get things done. If anyone has other suggestions, please share.

Monday, April 10, 2006

The public has spoken!`

Okay. So i got a comment on a recent post COMPLAINING that I haven't posted in a long time. On the one hand, I am glad that there are people reading my blog (the lone outpost is now being visited by civilization more regularly now). On the other hand, dude! I am busy!

Okay, enough of me whining. I have actually been busy lately. I went to a conference out in San Franscisco last week. It was really good for me to go (though starting out at 4 AM and travelling across two time zones is a great reminder that I am not as young as I used to be). I am now super charged about doing my dissertation. Finding other people who are interested in the same things as oneself is incredibly exciting. I'm not the only crazy one in the world! I can now see that one of the purposes for major conferences and conventions (Republican/Democratic/Socialist/Star Trek conventions, pagan gatherings, and Billy Graham events to name a few) like this is to help obsessed freaks like me connect with other like-minded freaks.